The first issue of the journal Crimen was published in 2010, with the aim of covering the field of criminal law, criminal justice, criminology, and related disciplines (forensic science, penology, victimology) as a scientific journal that is open to contributions from both academics and practitioners. From the beginning, the journal has included sections such as "Articles," "From the History of Criminal Sciences," and "Reviews," and it occasionally publishes scientific critiques, reflections, and contributions on the state of criminal legislation and practice. The journal is intended for decision-makers who influence the functioning of the criminal justice system, members of the academic community, practitioners, and researchers in the field of crime control. The focus is primarily on criminal justice, but also on the social, political, and economic aspects of its operation, which includes the study of offenders engaging in unlawful and related behaviors, victims, courts, and the entire system of enforcing criminal sanctions. Issues may also be dedicated to specific current topics.
The journal is published three times a year (April, September, and December).
The founders and first editors of the journal Crimen (2010-2024) are Prof. dr. Zoran Stojanović and Prof. dr. Đorđe Ignjatović.
Eudaimonia - Journal for Legal, Political and Social Theory and Philosophy
Eudaimonia - Journal for Legal, Political and Social Theory and Philosophy
Publisher: Center for Legal Fundamentals, Serbian Association for Legal and Social Philosophy (IVR Serbia), Faculty of Law University of Belgrade
Vesnik pravne istorije / Herald of Legal History
Весник правне историје / Herald of Legal History is an international academic student journal dedicated to the study of legal history of all countries and periods. The journal has two issues per year, in a limited number of physical copies and as an open access e-journal, and is published by the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law.
Both graduate and postgraduate students of law, as well as of other social sciences and humanities, are eligible to submit papers for the journal, which can be written in either Serbian or English language.
The Herald of Legal History accepts the following types of papers: student academic articles, book reviews, student translations of academic articles and primary sources from Serbian to English and vice versa (or from any other language to either of the two previously mentioned) and interviews with prominent scholars in the field of legal history, conducted by students. We also publish texts related to relevant events - conference reports, necrologues, etc.Papers can be submitted until April 30th for the first issue, and until October 31st for the second.