The lawyer profession in Pančevo 1918–1941
Lawyers, Pančevo, Kingdom of Yugoslavia, District and Municipal Court, ClientsAbstract
The work is dedicated to the lawyer profession during the interwar period in Pancevo. The chronological framework of the topic marked the birth of a new legal system, in the newly created state of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (later the Kingdom of Yugoslavia), within which numerous changes took place.The author begins the work with an explanation of how the legal profession developed in this period and what the process of passing the first Law on the legal profession looked like and what are the most important changes that it brought to the profession. The personal lives of the lawyers of that time will be presented with a special focus, in order to get to know the people who were engaged in this work. In order to take into account as many aspects as possible that can exist and define a lawyer and the legal profession.The jobs that the lawyers dealt with within the District and District Courts in Pančevo were dealt with as closely as possible, and an unavoidable part of the profession is political engagement in the city itself, as well as the clients they met. In addition to relevant literature, the work is based on archival material and old city newspapers (“Pančevac”, “Pančevac Nedelja”), but also on other sources related to this topic. The reader is given the opportunity to see some of the problems faced by lawyers in that period, which continue to run through this profession even today.
Необјављени архивски извори:
Историјски архив у Панчеву
Краљевски јавни бележници – Панчево (29)
Градско поглаварство (90)
Окружни суд Панчево (91)
Срески суд у Панчеву (99)
Објављени извори:
Миховил Томандл, Аутобиографија, приредила Ивана Спасовић, Матица српска, Нови Сад 2021.
Електронски извори: advokatima%20za%20kraljevinu%20SHS.pdf
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