Elements of the principle of determination of truth in the procedural rules of the International Criminal Court





principle of determination of truth; International Criminal Court; criminal procedure


The main goal of this paper is to reveal if the principle of determination of truth, understood in its traditional, continental law manner, is accepted in the criminal procedure of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and to which extent. In order to fulfill that goal, the author analyses main phases of the proceedings before ICC and points out in each of them the rules which derive from the principle of determination of truth. Also, the author explains and polemicizes with the main theoretical approaches to this issue. Furthermore, some of the most visible normative solutions that are contrary to the principle of determination of truth are being emphasised. Guided by the results of the conducted analysis, the author measures the scope of the principle of determination of truth in the ICC criminal procedure. Therefore, it has been determinated that the influence of the said principle is at its most visible in the early stages of the proceedings (investigation and confirmation of charges), while it fades out in its later stages. Finally, it is being discussed whether it would be better to incorporate the principle of determination of truth to a larger extent in the procedure before ICC, having especially in mind a great importance and historical role that ICC has (or, better said, aspires to have).


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How to Cite

Škundrić, Aleksa. 2023. “Elements of the Principle of Determination of Truth in the Procedural Rules of the International Criminal Court ”. Crimen 13 (3):284-303. https://doi.org/10.5937/crimen2203284S.


