Legal difficulties in the delimitation of the crime and misdemeanor


  • Milijana Buha University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Law, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia & Herzegovina


crime; a misdemeanor offense; legal difficulties; the distinction between criminal and misdemeanor offenses; domestic violence; drug abuse


The paper deals with the issue of demarcation of the misdemeanor and criminal responsibility. The issue of demarcation is more difficult due to the fact that there are a number of misdemeanor and criminal offences dealing with the same issues. This problem is particularly pronounced in case acts that combine characteristics of the criminal and misdemeanor offenses, such as domestic violence, traffic accidents, endangering the life or safety of another person, drug abuses, unlawful carrying and possession of weapons and ammunition and similar crimes. Thus, for example Production and Sale of Narcotic Drugs Law of the Republic of Srpska in Article 4, paragraph 1, prohibits the manufacture, sale and possession of narcotic drugs, and the same actions are incriminated as a criminal offense in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Srpska in Article 224. In this situation, Minor Offences Law of the Republic of Srpska in Article 8, paragraph 3 gives priority to the criminal prosecution. In these cases, police should file criminal charges with the competent prosecutor's office, without starting misdemeanor proceedings by submitting a request to initiate misdemeanor proceeding.


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How to Cite

Buha, Milijana. 2017. “Legal Difficulties in the Delimitation of the Crime and Misdemeanor ”. Crimen 8 (1):58-71.




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