Blasfemija i krivično pravo
Sloboda izražavanja naspram vređanja religioznih osećanja
Ključne reči:
blasfemija; sloboda izražavanja; umetničko izražavanje; islamApstrakt
U uporednoj krivičnoj literaturi kažnjavanje blasfemije odbacuje se iz više razloga. Najveći broj teoretičara religiozna osećanja uopšte ne smatra podobnim objektom krivičnopravne zaštite, dok se, s druge strane, kažnjavanje po ovom osnovu smatra neprihvatljivim ograničavanjem slobode izražavanja. Autor iznosi najvažnije argumente u ovoj raspravi, zauzimajući stav da bitni sadržaj priznatih veroispovesti zaslužuje da predstavlja predmet ograničene krivičnopravne zaštite.
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Aswad, E. M., R. Hussain, and M. A. Suleman. 2014. "Why the United States Cannot Agree to Disagree on Blasphemy Laws." Boston University International Law Journal 32(1).
Barendt, E. 2011. "Religious Hatred Laws: Protecting Groups or Belief?" Res Publica 17(1): 41-56.
Blitt, R. C. 2010. "Should New Bills of Rights Address Emerging International Human Rights Norms? The Challenge of Defamation of Religion." Northwestern University Journal of International Human Rights 8(1): 81-112.
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Clooney, A., and P. Webb. 2017. "The Right to Insult in International Law." Columbia Human Rights Law Review 48(2).
Coleman, E. B. 2011. "The Offenses of Blasphemy: Messages in and through Art." Journal of Value Inquiry 45(1).
Cox, N. 2014. "Blasphemy, Holocaust Denial, and the Control of Profoundly Unacceptable Speech." American Journal of Comparative Law 62(3).
Danchin, P. G. 2008. "Of Prophets and Proselytes: Freedom of Religion and the Conflict of Rights in International Law." Harvard International Law Journal 49(2).
Danchin, P. G. 2010. "Defaming Muhammad: Dignity, Harm, and Incitement to Religious Hatred." Duke Forum for Law and Social Change 2(1).
Doe, N., and R. Sandberg. 2008. "The Changing Criminal Law on Religion." Law & Justice – The Christian Law Review 162(1).
Fischer, T. 2011. Strafgesetzbuch und Nebengesetze. München: C.H. Beck.
Fisher, A., and H. Ramsay. 2000. "Of Art and Blasphemy." Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 3(2).
Foster, J. 2009. "Prophets, Cartoons, and Legal Norms: Rethinking the United Nations Defamation of Religion Provisions." Journal of Catholic Legal Studies 48(1).
Graham, L. B. 2009. "Defamation of Religions: The End of Pluralism." Emory International Law Review 23(1).
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Hillgruber, C. 2016. "Legal Limits of a Permissible Criticism of Religion." German Law Journal 17(2).
Hörnle, T. 2005. In Münchener Kommentar zum Strafgesetzbuch, edited by B. von Heintschel-Heinegg, vol. 2/2. München: C.H. Beck.
Inglis, B. D. 1956–1958. "Religious Freedom and the Modern Law of Blasphemy." Victoria University of Wellington Law Review 3(4).
Jones, P. 1980. "Blasphemy, Offensiveness and Law." British Journal of Political Science 10(2).
Keane, D. 2008. "Cartoon Violence and Freedom of Expression." Human Rights Quarterly 30(4).
Koenig, D. 2014. "Pussy Riot and the First Amendment: Consequences for the Rule of Law in Russia." New York University Law Review 89(2).
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Lenckner, T. 2001. In Strafgesetzbuch. Kommentar, edited by A. Schönke and H. Schröder. München: C.H. Beck.
McKenna, T. 2001. "Treason against God – Some Aspects of the Law relating to Blasphemy." Southern Cross University Law Review 5.
McLaughlin, N. 2010. "Spectrum of Defamation of Religion Laws and the Possibility of a Universal International Standard." Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review 32(3).
Montgomery, J. W. 2000. "Can Blasphemy Law Be Justified?" Law & Justice – The Christian Law Review 163.
Nash, D. 2007. "Analyzing the History of Religious Crime: Models of 'Passive' and 'Active' Blasphemy since the Medieval Period." Journal of Social History 41(1).
O’Reilly, A. 2016. "In Defence of Offence: Freedom of Expression, Offensive Speech, and the Approach of the European Court of Human Rights." Trinity College Law Review 19.
Oster, J. 2016. "Religiously Offensive Speech: A Doctrinal Inquiry." Review of International Law and Politics 12(2).
Patrick, J. 2011. "The Curious Persistence of Blasphemy." Florida Journal of International Law 23(2).
Pinto, M. 2010. "What Are Offences to Feelings Really About? A New Regulative Principle for the Multicultural Era." Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 30(4).
Post, R. 2007. "Religion and Freedom of Speech: Portraits of Muhammad." Constellations 14(1).
Prud’homme, J.-A. 2010. Policing Belief: The Impact of Blasphemy Laws on Human Rights. Freedom House.
Rollinson, K. A. 2011. "An Analysis of Blasphemy Legislation in Contemporary Ireland and Its Effects upon Freedom of Expression in Literary and Artistic Works." Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce 38(1).
Ross, R. 2012. "Blasphemy and the Modern, Secular State." Appeal: Review of Current Law and Law Reform 17.
Temperman, J. 2008. "Blasphemy, Defamation of Religions and Human Rights." Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 26(4).
Temperman, J. 2011. "Freedom of Expression and Religious Sensitivities in Pluralist Societies: Facing the Challenge of Extreme Speech." Brigham Young University Law Review 2011(3).
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Trispiotis, I. 2013. "The Duty to Respect Religious Feelings: Insights from European Human Rights Law." Columbia Journal of European Law 19(3).
Unsworth, C. 1995. "Blasphemy, Cultural Divergence and Legal Relativism." Modern Law Review 58(5).
Vance, S. C. 2004. "The Permissibility of Incitement to Religious Hatred Offenses under European Convention Principles." Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 14(1).
Vuković, I. 2013. "Dečja pornografija i krivično pravo – međunarodni ugovori i član 185 Krivičnog zakonika." In Međunarodna krivična dela, Beograd.
Vuković, I. 2018. "Blasfemija i krivično pravo – uporedno zakonodavstvo i judikatura." Crimen 9(2).
Vuković, I. 2015. "O unapređenju krivičnopravne zaštite slobode veroispovesti u srpskom i crnogorskom pravu." In Religija, politika, pravo, edited by O. Đurić, Beograd–Budva.
Waldron, J. 2010. "Dignity and Defamation: The Visibility of Hate." Harvard Law Review 123(7).
Wiles, E. 2006. "A Right to Artistic Blasphemy? An Examination of the Relationship between Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Religion." University College Dublin Law Review 6(1).

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