What's quantum got to do with it?

Engaging the new sciences in criminology and criminal justice


  • Dragan Milovanović Northeastern Illinois University, Justice Studies Department, SAD




criminology; quantum theory; quantum holography; transformative justice; restorative justice


Contemporary social sciences are rooted in Isaac Newton's ontology. This interdisciplinary article advocates an engagement with the new sciences, particularly quantum theory and quantum holography. It focuses particularly on the field of criminology, which amongst the social sciences stands as the most obstinate in a time when new thinking to deal with the crime problem is most compelling. It offers possible changes in our methodological approaches. It advocates a transformative justice as a replacement to "criminal justice" and "restorative justice".


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How to Cite

Milovanović, Dragan. 2022. “What’s Quantum Got to Do With It? Engaging the New Sciences in Criminology and Criminal Justice”. Crimen 13 (1):3-13. https://doi.org/10.5937/crimen2201003M.


