Concentration camps: A view on guards


  • Rajko Bukvić Nizhny Novgorod State University of Engineering and Economics, Knyaginino, Russia



concentration camps; guards; Serbian camps; North Norway


The paper considers the book Fangevoktere i konsentrasjonleire: En sosiologiska undersøkelse av norskefangevoktere i "serbienleire" i Nord-Norge i 1942-43, which has recently been published in Serbian language. It highlights the scientific significance, currency and relevance of the book at the time when it was written, as well the name and significance of author. It reflects the author's opinion on the development of theory and understanding of the phenomenon of concentration camps. This paper emphasizes the great importance of the book being translated into the Serbian language, not only because of its significance for the reasons previously stated, but also because it touches upon the Serbian camps in North Norway, in which some of the most tragic episodes in the history of the Serbian people occurred.


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How to Cite

Bukvić, Rajko. 2019. “Concentration Camps: A View on Guards”. Crimen 10 (1):3-18.


