Negative trends in criminal policy in the substantive criminal law of Serbia since the adoption of the Penal Code

Thorough legislator determination or an incident



criminal policy; criminal law; penal code; punitive public; punitive populism


Through the planned changes (January, 2012) and implemented changes (2009) the Serbian legislator significantly drifted from the original criminal policy on which the Serbian Penal Code had been built of in 2005. In this work the author explained each deficiency by critically approaching mentioned legislative activity and then he classified them into groups according to their negative effects not just on a whole Penal Code but on its original criminal policy goals. In the conclusion, the author takes a stand that these negative trends in criminal policy in the substantive criminal law occurred because the legislator recoiled before the pressure 'punitive public' phenomena. Final and complete answer on the question whether these movements are thorough phenomena or an incident, in other words whether the Serbian legislator could be placed into a group of legislators which are called by the science 'punitive populists', will depend on the content of the Law and Amendments and Supplements to the Penal Code which is scheduled for fall 2012.


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How to Cite

Ristivojević, Branislav. 2012. “Negative Trends in Criminal Policy in the Substantive Criminal Law of Serbia since the Adoption of the Penal Code: Thorough Legislator Determination or an Incident”. Crimen 3 (2):170-90.


