Controversial types of disciplinary punishment of children

Based on exclusion of unlawfulness of a criminal act or violence against children?



children; disciplinary punishment; unlawfulness; violence


This paper refers to the issue of controversial types of disciplinary punishment of children in terms of whether it is based on exclusion of unlawfulness of a criminal act or violence against children. Namely, a particular form of exclusion of unlawfulness of a criminal act exists in the criminal law for a long time. From time to time it has been treated as a 'disciplinary punishment', or 'physical punishment', or 'enforcement of parental rights', or 'upbringing rights'. However, the question is what kind of role those methods of punishment, with certain dose of repression or the character of humiliating acts, have got nowadays. If those activities would be performed related to person without 'discipline rights', then they could be classified as the case of a criminal act. Therefore, the legal effect of these controversial types of discipline activities is discussed in the paper considering that human rights , including the rights of children that represent one of the most important values of the modern age, and the fact that Serbian criminal legislation treats domestic violence as a specific criminal act.


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How to Cite

Ćorović, Emir. 2012. “Controversial Types of Disciplinary Punishment of Children: Based on Exclusion of Unlawfulness of a Criminal Act or Violence Against Children?”. Crimen 3 (2):211-21.




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