Definition and etiology of violent crime



crime; violence; factor; psychological factors; biological factors; society impact; violence subculture


In the first part of paper, after pointing out on meaning of violent crime, effort has been made to explain concepts used in operationalisation, without previous meaning concerning. It has been pointed out that terms 'aggression' and 'violence' are not synonyms, and their possible meanings have been suggested in order to avoid terminology terms misunderstandings. Term 'criminal violence' is accepted as an adequate expression for interpersonal violence forbidden by norms of Criminal Law. Than, it was pointed out on the theories of aggression: biological, psycho-dynamic, learning theories, cognitive and social. Theories are followed by violent crime factors presentation, which are divided in two large groups: subjective or personal and external ones. Subjective factors include psychological and biological causes. The first group includes mental disturbance, psychopathological personal trait, hyperactivity, learning disability, lack of self-control, frustration impact, rage, hate and envy, pleasure and alcoholism. As for the biological factors, it has been pointed on testosterone impact, brain damage and genetic imperfections. External factors are divided on natural (crime scene meaning, heat, noise, ear pollution, personal space and overpopulation are mentioned) and social causes. From all social factors author specially pays attention to impact of social learning process, influence of television, video games and subculture belongings. In final discussion, author stands for the violence crime control, which implies necessity to use many different measures, applicable to the potential crime scenes, to the perpetrators and victims. It appears that there are real possibilities for making meaningful and effective prevention of such crimes, especially when we take into account the latest scientific knowledge about man and human society.


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How to Cite

Ignjatović, Đorđe. 2011. “Definition and Etiology of Violent Crime”. Crimen 2 (2):179-211.


