This paper is focused on the study of punishments and sanctions in the Basque legal system. Specifically, regarding the territory of Biscay and the various laws, norms and ordinances that were in force from the 13th to the 19th century.
Firstly, there is a presentation of the territory, whose capital city is Bilbao, and the different laws and regulations that were used in that period. All of them are of Basque origin and were used exclusively in this territory. Next, the most common punishments and sanctions are discussed. Moreover, concrete examples, covering trials which took place during those centuries, are given. In order to do so, documents from different archives are used. I consider the latter to be very important as that documentation is the practical reflection of the legal theory.
The objective is to give an overview of Basque criminal law from a theoretical point of view, but also its application in the examples that can be found in the archives.
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