Keywords: Criminal Law, Principality of Serbia, drafting a Law, Vasilije Lazarević


From the beginning of the First Serbian Uprising to the adoption of the Criminal Code of the Principality of Serbia in 1860, a large number of regulations were adopted that punished certain behaviors. Those acts were mostly created without an organized system for their adoption and were adopted unplanned. The exception is represented by two acts that had the word “law” or “code” in their title for the first time. These were Mateja Nenadović’s Law and Karađorđe’s Criminal Code, which, at that time, somewhat systematically covered the matter they regulated.

After the First and Second Serbian Uprisings, the practice of passing regulations related to individual acts continued. It was only at the end of the third decade of the XIX century, at the initiative of Prince Miloš, that work began on systematizing the adoption of regulations in general, including criminal ones. Different commissions were established for the issuance of regulations. Among them two stand out – the Legislative Commission, which mainly dealt with the translation and adaptation of the French Civil Code and the French Criminal Code to the circumstances in Serbia, and the Regulative Commission, which dealt with the revisions of drafts prepared by the Legislative Commission.

At the invitation of Prince Miloš in 1837, prominent lawyers, a senator from Novi Sad Jovan Hadžić and the mayor of Zemun Vasilije Lazarević, came to Serbia with the intention of working on drafting laws. After their arrival, Hadžić and Lazarević jointly dealt with drafting laws, and in May 1838, the work was divided between them. Lazarevic decided to draft the Criminal Code and the Code of Civil Court Procedure. During his stay in Serbia, at the request of Prince Miloš, in addition to working on laws, he was involved in drafting regulations related to the organization of ministries and the State Council.

Vasilije Lazarevic worked on drafting the Criminal Code until 1845, when his draft was mentioned for the last time. In the next ten years, until 1855, there was no work on the codification of criminal law. At the initiative of Prince Aleksandar Karađorđević, the Council appointed a Commission at the beginning of 1856 to deal with the drafting of the Criminal Code. The committee prepared a draft that was submitted to the Council, after which a new committee was established with the task of reviewing the submitted draft. Due to the political situation in Serbia, the review of the submitted draft of the Code was not in focus until 1859.

From the first attempts to codify criminal law until the adoption of the Code, 32 years passed. The reason for the long duration of the codification process is the political situation in the Principality of Serbia. Prince Miloš, the initiator of the codification of criminal legislation in the Principality of Serbia, signed the Criminal Code on March 29, 1860, during his second reign. It entered into force on May 12, 1860.



Српске новине, Београд 1850‒1860.


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How to Cite
Н. БОГДАНОВИЋ, Л. (2024). РАД НА КОДИФИКАЦИЈИ КРИВИЧНОГ ПРАВА У КНЕЖЕВИНИ СРБИЈИ ОД 1828. ДО 1860. ГОДИНЕ. Vesnik Pravne Istorije / Herald of Legal History, 4(2), 48-75. https://doi.org/10.51204/HLH_23202A