About the Journal

Eudaimonia - Journal of Legal, Political and Social Theory and Philosophy was founded in 2017 by the Serbian Association for Legal and Social Philosophy (IVR Serbia) and the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade.

From its inception until 2020, Eudaimonia featured papers presented at the annual Student Conference in Theory and Philosophy of Law. The Student Conference, organized by the Serbian Association for Legal and Social Philosophy and the Faculty of Law, is an annual conference founded in 2014. In 2018, the conference opened its doors to international participants  — undergraduate, master's, and doctoral students in law, social sciences, and humanities.

As of 2021, Eudaimonia is published twice a year. The first issue is thematic and contains papers presented at the Student Conference, while the second issue is open to all interested authors. All papers undergo a double-blind review before publication, and only papers that have not been previously published or offered to other journals for publication are accepted. Eudaimonia publishes scientific articles, reviews, and interviews. Papers are published in Serbian and English.

The editor-in-chief manages the journal. The executive editor and the student editorial board assist them in their work. The student supervisory board takes care of the observance of ethical rules and publishing standards.

Eudaimonia is an open-access journal and is published in electronic form. The published works are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY).

The journal is categorized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia for 2022 as a domestic newly launched scientific journal (category M53).

All issues of the journal are stored in the Digital Repository of the National Library of Serbia.

All issues of the journal also are stored in DOAJ Open Global Trusted.