constitutional (national) identity, rule of law crisis, Hungary, PolandAbstract
The creation of a European identity through respect for the values of the national system is simultaneously accompanied by a weakening of the (European) rule of law. It was believed that countries close to the European Union share the same values as it, that is, that their common values represent a guarantee of stability. However, it turned out to be the opposite. The desire of the European Union to contribute to the progress of the region through the policy of conditionality encountered the obstacle of protecting the principle of national (constitutional) identity on the part of the member states (Hungary and Poland), which gave the outlines of the beginning of the rule of law crisis with such an approach. While the first part of the work will be devoted to the theoretical and practical importance of national (constitutional) identity and the rule of law through the construction of European Union politics, both internal and external, the second part will be based on Hungary and Poland and their criminal slippages from the core of all the values of the European Union – the rule of law.
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