Prohibition of slavery, Slavery, Forced labour, International documentsAbstract
Slavery, servitude and forced labour exist for centuries. Even though there are many definitions, it still remains a question of how to define slavery given the fact that it keeps appearing in new and „innovative“ forms. However, this does not mean that the international community should stop fighting against slavery as well as servitude and forced labour. This paper focuses on explaining the difference between modern slavery and slavery during centuries. It considers how have different international documents brought by the United Nations and International Labour Organization, as well as verdicts of European Court of Human rights, affected the number of enslaved persons and fight against slavery. Still, the anti-slavery index shows that there are more than forty million enslaved persons in the world today. How to continue the battle with slavery remains a question not only for jurists but for all humans. It is necessary to build consciousness about slavery as not only prohibited but also contrary to any ideas of progress in civilization.
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