Kriminalitet maloletnica u Beogradu
Studija o identifikaciji podgrupa
DOI:čne reči:
kriminalitet maloletnica; agresija; nasilje; istraživanje; BeogradApstrakt
Predmet rada je teorijska i empirijska analiza kriminaliteta maloletnica, tačnije ispitivanje da li među maloletnim prestupnicama može da se napravi klasifikacija između agresivnih i onih koje to nisu. Rad je zasnovan na istraživanju koje je sprovedeno za period 2009-2019. godine za područje Beograda, a podaci su za ukupno 59 maloletnica prikupljeni u centrima za socijalni rad u četiri beogradske opštine. U kriminološkoj literaturi pravi se razlika između agresije i nasilja, a istraživanje je sprovedeno tako da ukaže na eventualne razlike između agresivnih i neagresivnih maloletnica, kao i nasilnih i nenasilnih. Rezultati ukazuju da se prva klasifikacija ispostavila kao relevantnija na planu uspostavljanja razlika između maloletnih prestupnica. Agresivne maloletnice ostvarivale su lošije rezultate u odnosu na neagresivne u pogledu više testiranih nezavisnih varijabli na tri nivoa posmatranja: individualni, porodični i socijalni.
Chesney-Lind, M. 1987. "Girls and Violence: An Exploration of the Gender Gap in Serious Delinquent Behavior." In Childhood Aggression and Violence: Sources of Influence, Prevention and Control, edited by D. H. Crowell, I. M. Evans, and C. R. O'Donell. New York: Plenum Press.
Chesney-Lind, M., and R. G. Shelden. 2014. Girls, Delinquency and Juvenile Justice. Chichester: Wiley.
Eassey, J. M., and M. Buchanan. 2015. "Fleas and Feathers: The Role of Peers in the Study of Juvenile Delinquency." In The Handbook of Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice, edited by M. D. Krohn and J. Lane. Chichester: Wiley.
Gibson, C. L., and A. Davis. 2015. "A Biosocial Perspective on Juvenile Delinquency." In The Handbook of Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice, edited by M. D. Krohn and J. Lane. Chichester: Wiley.
Hawkins, J. D., and D. Lishner. 1987. "Etiology and Prevention of Antisocial Behavior in Children and Adolescents." In Childhood Aggression and Violence: Sources of Influence, Prevention and Control, edited by D. H. Crowell, I. M. Evans, and C. R. O'Donell. New York: Plenum Press.
Hawkins Anderson, S. 2012. "Girls in the Juvenile Justice System: The Causes and Correlates of Girl’s Involvement." In Delinquent Girls: Contexts, Relationships and Adaptation, edited by S. Miller, L. D. Leve, and P. K. Kerig. New York: Springer.
Hay, C., and W. Forrest. 2009. "The Implications of Family Poverty for a Pattern of Persistent Offending." In The Development of Persistent Criminality, edited by J. Savage. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hoyt, S., and D. G. Sherer. 1998. "Female Juvenile Delinquency: Misunderstood by the Juvenile Justice System, Neglected by Social Science." Law and Human Behavior 22 (1): 81–107.
Ignjatović, Đ. 2011. "Pojam i Etiologija Nasilničkog Kriminaliteta." Crimen, no. 2: 143–160.
Ignjatović, Đ. 2015. "Kriminalitet Maloletnika: Stara Tema i Nove Dileme." In Maloletnici kao Učinioci i Žrtve Krivičnih Dela i Prekršaja, edited by I. Stevanović. Beograd: Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research.
Lai, V., G. Zeng, and C. M. Chu. 2016. "Violent and Nonviolent Youth Offenders: Preliminary Evidence on Group Subtypes." Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 14 (3): 291–310.
Lanctôt, N., C. Émond, and M. LeBlanc. 2004. "Adjudicated Females’ Participation in Violence from Adolescence to Adulthood: Results from a Longitudinal Study." In Girls and Aggression: Contributing Factors and Intervention Principles, edited by M. M. Moretti, C. L. Odgers, and M. A. Jackson. New York: Springer.
McLeer, J., and D. DeHart. 2013. "Childhood Instability and Girl’s Delinquency: The Role of Changes in Schools, Homes, and Caregivers." Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma 6 (3): 208–220.
Loeber, R., et al. 2017. Female Delinquency from Childhood to Young Adulthood: Recent Results from the Pittsburgh Girls Study. Cham: Springer.
Lukić, N. 2019. "Nasilnički Kriminalitet Žena." In Kaznena Reakcija u Srbiji IX Deo, edited by Đ. Ignjatović. Beograd: Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade.
Ljubičić, M. 2019. "Nasilje Mladih nad Roditeljima u Beogradu: Analiza Dokumentacione Građe." Crimen, no. 1: 57–70.
Moffitt, T. E., et al. 2004. Sex Differences in Antisocial Behaviour, Conduct Disorder, Delinquency, and Violence in the Dunedin Longitudinal Study. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Moretti, M. M., K. Dasilva, and R. Holland. 2004. "Aggression from an Attachment Perspective: Gender Issues and Therapeutic Implications." In Girls and Aggression: Contributing Factors and Intervention Principles, edited by M. M. Moretti, C. L. Odgers, and M. A. Jackson. New York: Springer.
Morton, T. 1987. "Childhood Aggression in the Context of Family Interaction." In Childhood Aggression and Violence: Sources of Influence, Prevention and Control, edited by D. H. Crowell, I. M. Evans, and C. R. O'Donell. New York: Plenum Press.
Pagani, L. S. 2009. "The Influence of Family Context on the Development and Persistence of Antisocial Behaviour." In The Development of Persistent Criminality, edited by J. Savage. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Ruffolo, M. C., R. Sarri, and S. Goodkind. 2004. "Study of Delinquent, Diverted, and High-Risk Adolescent Girls: Implications for Mental Health Intervention." Social Work Research 28 (4): 237–244.
Shoemaker, D. J. 2009. Juvenile Delinquency. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Siegel, L. J., and B. C. Welsh. 2011. Juvenile Delinquency: The Core. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Sylvers, P., et al. 2009. "Biological Factors and the Development of Persistent Criminality." In The Development of Persistent Criminality, edited by J. Savage. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Vaillancourt, T., and S. Hymel. 2004. "The Social Context of Children's Aggression." In Girls and Aggression: Contributing Factors and Intervention Principles, edited by M. M. Moretti, C. L. Odgers, and M. A. Jackson. New York: Springer.
Wright, J. P., and K. M. Beaver. 2009. "A Systematic Approach to Understanding Human Variability in Serious Persistent Offending." In The Development of Persistent Criminality, edited by J. Savage. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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