Blasfemija i krivično pravo
Uporedno zakonodavstvo i judikatura
Ključne reči:
blasfemija; sloboda izražavanja; Evropski sud za ljudska pravaApstrakt
Iako se dostojanstvo božanstva u uporednom zakonodavstvu više uglavnom ne smatra podobnim objektom krivično pravne zaštite, u savremenim pravnim sistemima se i danas sreću krivična dela kojima se štite verska osećanja građana. Međutim, nalik drugim krivičnim delima koja povređuju čast i ugled, protivpravnost takvih ponašanja često se dovodi u pitanje ako je uvredljivo izlaganje imalo kritičku notu, naročito ukoliko je bilo izneto u okviru nekog književnog ili umetničkog dela. U radu se prikazuje vrlo bogata uporedna sudska praksa nacionalnih sudova i Evropskog suda za ljudska prava koja se odnosi na blasfemno izražavanje, kao i relevantni međunarodni dokumenti.
Aswad, Eliza M., Rana Hussain, and Muzaffar A. Suleman. 2014. "Why the United States Cannot Agree to Disagree on Blasphemy Laws." Boston University International Law Journal 1.
Bakircioglu, Onder. 2007. "The Application of the Margin of Appreciation Doctrine in Freedom of Expression and Public Morality Cases." German Law Journal 7.
Banner, Stuart. 1998. "When Christianity Was Part of the Common Law." Law and History Review 1.
Beširević, Violeta, et al. 2017. Komentar Konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda. Beograd.
Council of Europe. 2010. Blasphemy, Insult and Hatred: Finding Answers in a Democratic Society. Venice Commission.
Boyle, Kevin. 2006. "The Danish Cartoons." Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 2.
Cheema, Moeen, and Ahmed Kamran. 2014. "The Fundamentalism of Liberal Rights: Decoding the Freedom of Expression under the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms." Loyola University Chicago International Law Review 2.
Clooney, Amal, and Philippa Webb. 2017. "The Right to Insult in International Law." Columbia Human Rights Law Review 2.
Coleman, Elizabeth B. 2011. "The Offenses of Blasphemy: Messages in and through Art." Journal of Value Inquiry 1.
Cox, Noel. 2014. "Blasphemy, Holocaust Denial, and the Control of Profoundly Unacceptable Speech." American Journal of Comparative Law 3.
Cram, Ian. 2009. "The Danish Cartoons, Offensive Expression, and Democratic Legitimacy." In Extreme Speech and Democracy, Oxford–New York.
Danchin, Peter G. 2008. "Of Prophets and Proselytes: Freedom of Religion and the Conflict of Rights in International Law." Harvard International Law Journal 2.
Doe, Norman, and Russell Sandberg. 2008. "The Changing Criminal Law on Religion." Law & Justice – The Christian Law Review 1.
Edge, Peter W. 1998. "The European Court of Human Rights and Religious Rights." International and Comparative Law Quarterly 3.
Feinberg, Joel. 1985. The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law. Volume 2. Offense to Others. New York.
Fisher, Alice, and Hugh Ramsay. 2000. "Of Art and Blasphemy." Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 2.
Fuhrmann, Wolfgang. 2000. "Perspectives on Religious Freedom from the Vantage Point of the European Court of Human Rights." Brigham Young University Law Review 3.
Goodall, Kay. 2007. "Incitement to Religious Hatred: All Talk and No Substance?" Modern Law Review 1.
Greenawalt, Kent. 1980. "Speech and Crime." American Bar Foundation Research Journal 4.
Hare, Ivan. 2009. "Blasphemy and Incitement to Religious Hatred: Free Speech Dogma and Doctrine." In Extreme Speech and Democracy, Oxford–New York.
Hillgruber, Christian. 2016. "Legal Limits of a Permissible Criticism of Religion." German Law Journal 2.
Inglis, Brian D. 1956–1958. "Religious Freedom and the Modern Law of Blasphemy." Victoria University of Wellington Law Review 4.
Kahn, Robert A. 2011. "A Margin of Appreciation for Muslims – Viewing the Defamation of Religions Debate through Otto-Preminger-Institut v. Austria." Charleston Law Review 3.
Kapai, Puja, and Anna S. Y. Cheung. 2009. "Hanging in a Balance: Freedom of Expression and Religion." Buffalo Human Rights Law Review 1.
Keane, David. 2008. "Cartoon Violence and Freedom of Expression." Human Rights Quarterly 4.
Kenny, Courtney. 1922. "The Evolution of the Law of Blasphemy." Cambridge Law Journal 2.
Kwanghyuk, Yoo. 2017. "When Does Cultural Satire Cross the Line in the Global Human Rights Regime: The Charlie Hebdo Controversy." Brooklyn Journal of International Law 2.
Lagoutte, Stéphanie. 2008. "The Cartoon Controversy in Context: Analyzing the Decisions Not to Prosecute under Danish Law." Brooklyn Journal of International Law 2.
Leigh, Ian. 2011. "Damned if They Do, Damned if They Don’t: The European Court of Human Rights and the Protection of Religion from Attack." Res Publica 1.
McKenna, Thomas. 2001. "Treason against God – Some Aspects of the Law Relating to Blasphemy." Southern Cross University Law Review.
McLaughlin, Noel. 2010. "Spectrum of Defamation of Religion Laws and the Possibility of a Universal International Standard." Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review 3.
Montgomery, John W. 2000. "Can Blasphemy Law Be Justified." Law & Justice – The Christian Law Review.
Nash, David, and Charis Bakalis. 2007. "Incitement to Religious Hatred and the ‘Symbolic’: How Will the Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006 Work?" Liverpool Law Review 1.
Ortner, Daniel. 2016. "Conscientious Offenders: Russia’s Ban on Extremist Religious Literature and the European Court of Human Rights." Virginia Journal of International Law 1.
Oster, Jan. 2016. "Religiously Offensive Speech: A Doctrinal Inquiry." Review of International Law and Politics 2.
Patrick, Jeremy. 2011. "The Curious Persistence of Blasphemy." Florida Journal of International Law 2.
Post, Robert. 2007. "Religion and Freedom of Speech: Portraits of Muhammad." Constellations 1.
Prud’homme, Jean-Alexandre. 2010. Policing Belief: The Impact of Blasphemy Laws on Human Rights. Freedom House.
Rollinson, Kevin A. 2011. "An Analysis of Blasphemy Legislation in Contemporary Ireland and Its Effects upon Freedom of Expression in Literary and Artistic Works." Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce 1.
Sandberg, Russell, and Norman Doe. 2008. "The Strange Death of Blasphemy." Modern Law Review 6.
Simović, Dragan, and Biljana Simeunović-Patić. 2017. "Normative Sacred Versus Real Desecularisation." In Politikologija religije, Beograd.
Temperman, Jeroen. 2008. "Blasphemy, Defamation of Religions and Human Rights." Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 4.
Temperman, Jeroen. 2011. "Freedom of Expression and Religious Sensitivities in Pluralist Societies: Facing the Challenge of Extreme Speech." Brigham Young University Law Review 3.
Unsworth, Charlie. 1995. "Blasphemy, Cultural Divergence, and Legal Relativism." Modern Law Review 5.
Visconsi, Elliott. 2008. "The Invention of Criminal Blasphemy: Rex v. Taylor (1676)." Representations 1.

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