Police in the Hungarian criminal proceedings
police; criminal proceedings; investigation; prosecution; reconnaissance; examinationAbstract
The police play a key role in the Hungarian criminal justice system. In addition to the legality supervision and effective professional management of the prosecution, the police have performed investigative tasks, which has procedural autonomy in initiating differentiated procedural methods in the reconnaissance and examination phase. The investigation consists of reconnaissance and investigation. In contrast, in the examination phase, they work under the direction of the prosecution. In addition to the general police, there are special police bodies in the country that do not have investigative powers but can take part in the preparatory process at the initial stage of the investigation, in particular by collecting data to establish the suspicion of a crime. Such bodies are the National Defense Service for Internal Corruption and Terrorism and the Counter-Terrorism Center. In our article, we provide an overview of the role of the police in a state organization. In accordance with that, we analyze the police's law enforcement role, outline the investigative activities of the Hungarian police and their tasks in criminal proceedings.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Dragana Čvorović, Vince Vаri
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