Guidelines for Authors with Citation Rules

You can download the guidelines for authors with citation rules at this link.

Definition of Authorship
Authorship refers to those individuals who have made substantial contributions to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the research study. These contributions should be sufficient to justify the inclusion of an individual as an author. Authorship should be determined according to the criteria established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which include:
• Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work, or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data.
• Drafting or revising the manuscript critically for important intellectual content.
• Final approval of the version to be published.
• Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work.
Authors must meet all these criteria, and those who do not contribute significantly to the research or manuscript preparation should not be listed as authors.

Responsibilities of Authors
Each author is expected to:
• Ensure the accuracy and integrity of the entire work: Authors must take responsibility for the content of the manuscript, ensuring all aspects are scientifically sound and ethically conducted.
• Declare potential conflicts of interest: Authors must disclose any financial or personal relationships that could bias their work or its interpretation.
• Ensure compliance with research ethics guidelines: Authors must adhere to ethical standards in conducting and reporting research, including obtaining necessary permissions for human or animal subjects and following appropriate research protocols.
• Provide accurate author contribution details: Authors are required to clarify their specific contributions to the research process and manuscript preparation.
• Be accountable for the work's content: All authors should be ready to answer questions and address any issues or concerns related to the work, both during peer review and after publication.

Responsibilities of the Corresponding Author
The corresponding author has additional responsibilities, including:
• Communication with the journal: The corresponding author handles all correspondence related to the manuscript, including submission, revision, and final acceptance.
• Manuscript submission: The corresponding author ensures that the manuscript and all associated materials (e.g., supplementary files, statement on authorship) are submitted in accordance with the journal's submission guidelines.
• Author agreement: The corresponding author must verify (through an appropriate statement) that all authors have agreed to the submission and that the author order is correct.
• Handling potential disputes: The corresponding author will be the primary point of contact for any disputes related to authorship, and is responsible for resolving issues in a fair and transparent manner.

Declaration of Author Contributions
The journal will, as a rule, publish papers with a maximum of two co-authors. Upon submission, authors must declare (through an appropriate statement) that they had made a significant contribution to the conception or design of the work, as well as to the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work. In addition to their responsibility for the parts of the work they have done, they should also be able to identify other parts of the work for which the co-author is responsible, and to have confidence in the integrity of the contributions of their co-author.

Acknowledging Non-Authors
While authorship should be restricted to those who meet the COPE criteria, individuals who have made a significant contribution but do not qualify as authors may be acknowledged in the acknowledgments section of the manuscript. This includes:
• Advisors or mentors who provided guidance but did not contribute directly to the research design, data collection, or manuscript writing.
• Technical or administrative staff who contributed to the research but did not meet the criteria for authorship.
• Funding sources should also be acknowledged if applicable, specifying the grant number and the funding institution.
Acknowledgments should avoid listing individuals who provided only casual advice or support unless they meet the substantial contribution criteria.

Managing Potential Authorship Disputes
In cases where authorship disputes arise, the following steps should be taken:
• Open communication: Authors should initially attempt to resolve the issue internally through respectful and transparent dialogue.
• Involvement of the corresponding author: If the dispute cannot be resolved, the corresponding author should be informed, and they should mediate a fair and constructive discussion among the authors.
• Escalation: If the dispute remains unresolved, the journal may become involved. In such cases, the authors will be asked to provide detailed evidence of their contributions to determine authorship rights.
• COPE guidelines: In case of serious disputes, the journal will refer to the COPE guidelines and may consult the institution of the authors for guidance on resolution.

No Author Fees, No Monetary Gains from Publication
The journal does not charge authors any fees for submission, processing, or publication of manuscripts. The journal, on the other hand, does not require authors to pay any monetary amounts as alleged publishing costs.

Intellectual Property Policies
• Intellectual Property (IP): Authors should ensure that any IP generated during the research, including patents or inventions, is properly disclosed. This may involve obtaining approval from the institution or a sponsoring body before submission.
• Copyright and Licensing: Manuscripts submitted to the journal will be published under the CC BY license (Creative Commons Attribution License). This means that others may reuse and distribute the work, provided they credit the original authors. Authors retain the copyright to their work, but by submitting, they grant the journal the right to publish under the CC BY license.
The CC BY license allows others to:
• Copy, distribute, and adapt the work (including for commercial purposes) as long as the original authors are credited.
• Alterations and modifications may be made to the work, including translations, derivative works, or adaptations.

Research and Publication Ethics
All authors must adhere to the highest standards of research and publication ethics, which include:
• Integrity in Research: Authors must report research results accurately, without manipulation or falsification of data. Any errors or inaccuracies identified post-publication must be corrected promptly.
• Plagiarism: Authors must ensure that the work is entirely original and properly cite any material, data, or ideas that are not their own. Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, is strictly prohibited.
• Ethical Approval: Research involving human or animal subjects must comply with ethical standards and receive appropriate ethics committee approval.
• Data Fabrication and Falsification: Any form of data fabrication or falsification is strictly prohibited. Authors must ensure that their research complies with the principles of honesty and transparency.

Conflicts of Interest
Authors are required to disclose any financial, professional, or personal relationships that could be perceived as influencing the research and its outcomes. These could include:
• Financial relationships: Such as funding, employment, consulting fees, stock ownership.
• Personal relationships: Conflicts arising from family or close personal relationships.
• Academic conflicts: Including professional rivalry or competition for resources.
Disclosures should be made at the time of manuscript submission and updated throughout the review and publication process.

Following these guidelines ensures that authorship is granted to those who have made substantial contributions to the research, that the research meets ethical standards, and that the rights and responsibilities of authors are clear and respected. Authors should consult these guidelines carefully before submitting manuscripts and ensure that their work adheres to all applicable research and publication ethics.


The journal Crimen primarily publishes papers in Serbian and English. Exceptionally, the Editorial Board may consider publishing papers in other languages. Submissions undergo anonymous peer review. Authors are required to familiarize themselves with the journal's scientific policy, ethical guidelines, and publication malpractice rules, available on the journal's website.

The length of the manuscript (excluding abstracts in Serbian and English) should generally not exceed 1.5 author's sheets (up to 45,000 characters, including spaces). Manuscripts should be written using the Latin alphabet in Microsoft Word (.docx format) or LibreOffice Writer (.odt format), using Times New Roman font. Line spacing should be set to 1.5 for both the main text and footnotes. The font size should be 12 for the main text and 10 for footnotes, with page numbers in Arabic numerals.

At the beginning of the manuscript, include the full name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s), as well as an email address (font size 12). Following this, provide the title of the paper (font size 14, centered, in uppercase, and bold).

Next, include an abstract in Serbian, not exceeding 250 words (font size 11), along with up to five keywords that are relevant to the manuscript and suitable for indexing. At the end of the manuscript, list of references should be included, in which academic sources should be separated from regulations, court rulings, statistical yearbooks, etc.

If the manuscript is submitted in Serbian, provide a summary (up to 500 words) and keywords (up to five terms) in English after the list of references. If the paper is written in a foreign language, the author must provide an abstract, summary, and keywords in that language, while the Editorial Board will arrange for their translation into Serbian.

At the end of the manuscript, include a detailed list of references (font size 11), arranged alphabetically by the authors' last names. Following the list of references, include a summary and keywords in English (font size 11).

Subheadings should be numbered using Arabic numerals as follows:
1. FIRST SUBHEADING IN UPPERCASE (font size 12, centered)
1.1. Second Subheading (font size 12, initial capital letter, aligned to the left margin)
1.1.1. Third Subheading (font size 12, italicized, initial capital letter, aligned to the left margin)

Book Citation Guidelines
First citation: In the footnote, include the initial of the author's first name, full last name, year of publication (in parentheses), the title of the work (italicized), the place of publication, and the page number (preceded by the abbreviation p. for a single page or pp. for multiple pages).
C. Roxin /2006/, Strafrecht. Allgemeiner Teil. Band I., München, pp. 212–213.
Subsequent citations: Include the initial of the author's first name, full last name, the abbreviation op. cit. (italicized, from the Latin opus citatum – "in the previously cited work"), and the page number.
C. Roxin, op. cit., p. 214.
Consecutive citations of the same work: Use the abbreviation ibid. (italicized, from the Latin ibidem – "in the same place").
C. Roxin, ibid., p. 215.
Detailed reference list: At the end of the manuscript, provide a detailed bibliography organized alphabetically by the authors' last names. Each entry should include: full last name and first name of the author, year of publication (in parentheses), full title of the work, including the subtitle (italicized), place of publication and the publisher.
Roxin Claus /2006/: Strafrecht. Allgemeiner Teil. Band I. Grundlagen. Der Aufbau der Verbrechenslehre, München: C. H. Beck.

Citation of Journal Articles
First citation: In the footnote, include the initial of the author's first name, full last name, year of publication (in parentheses), the title of the article (in quotation marks), the name of the journal (italicized), the issue number (preceded by the symbol №), and the page number (using p. for a single page or pp. for multiple pages).
D. Milovanović /2014/, Revisiting societal reaction (labeling) by way of quantum holographic theory, Crimen, № 2, p. 124.
Subsequent citations: Include the initial of the author's first name, full last name, the abbreviation op. cit. (italicized), and the page number.
D. Milovanović, op. cit., p. 125.
Consecutive citations of the same article: Use the abbreviation ibid. (italicized).
D. Milovanović, ibid., p. 127.
Detailed reference list: In the bibliography at the end of the manuscript, provide full details organized alphabetically by the authors' last names. Each entry should include: full last name and first name of the author, year of publication (in parentheses), full title of the article, including the subtitle, name of the journal (italicized), year of publication, issue number (preceded by the symbol №), page range of the article.
Milovanović Dragan /2014/: Revisiting societal reaction (labeling) by way of quantum holographic theory, Crimen 5, № 2, 123–135.

Citation of Articles in Edited Volumes
First citation: In the footnote, include the initial of the author's first name, full last name, year of publication (in parentheses), the title of the article, followed by in: or u: (depending on the language), the title of the edited volume (italicized), the place of publication, and the page number (using p. for a single page or pp. for multiple pages).
E. Stanley /2007/, Towards a criminology for human rights, in: Expanding the Criminological Imagination: Critical readings in criminology, London, p. 170.
Subsequent citations: Include the initial of the author's first name, full last name, the abbreviation op. cit. (italicized), and the page number.
E. Stanley, op. cit., p. 175.
Consecutive citations of the same article: Use the abbreviation ibid. (italicized).
E. Stanley, ibid., p. 177.
Detailed reference list: In the bibliography at the end of the manuscript, provide full details organized alphabetically by the authors' last names. Each entry should include: full last name and first name of the author, year of publication (in parentheses), full title of the article, including the subtitle, in: or u: followed by the title of the edited volume (italicized), full last name and the first initial of the editor (with the abbreviation ed. or ur. in parentheses), place of publication and publisher, page range of the article in the edited volume.
Stanley Elizabeth /2007/, Towards a criminology for human rights, in: Expanding the Criminological Imagination: Critical readings in criminology (Barton A. et al., eds.), London: Willan, 168–197.

Citation of Contributions in Legal Commentaries
First citation: In the footnote, instead of the title of the contribution (which is typically omitted), include the number of the article being commented on, followed by in: or u:, the title of the commentary (italicized), the place of publication, and either the page number (p. or pp.) or the paragraph number if the source is electronic.
A. Stajić /1986/, Član 31, in: Komentar Krivičnog zakona SFRJ, Beograd, p. 162.
Subsequent citations: Include the initial of the author's first name, full last name, the abbreviation op. cit. (italicized), and the page or paragraph number.
A. Stajić, op. cit., p. 162.
Consecutive citations of the same source: Use the abbreviation ibid. (italicized).
A. Stajić, ibid., p. 163.
Detailed reference list: In the detailed reference list at the end of the manuscript, it is not necessary to include the article number or the range of pages for contributions in commentaries. Each entry should instead provide the general reference to the commentary and its editor(s), if applicable.
Stajić Aleksandar /1986/, in: Komentar Krivičnog zakona SFRJ (Srzentić N., ur.), Beograd: Savremena administracija.

Works with up to three co-authors: In the footnote and detailed reference list, include the full names and last names of all authors, following the citation rules.
Đ. Ignjatović, G. Meško, op. cit., p. 27.

Works with more than three co-authors: In the footnote, list only the first author, followed by the abbreviation et al. (italicized, meaning "and others"). The detailed reference list should also use this abbreviation.
H. Malm et al. /2008/: Ethics, Pandemics, and the Duty to Treat, American Journal of Bioethics, № 8, p. 17.

Citation of Multiple Works by the Same Author
Follow the standard format, including the initial of the author's first name, full last name, year of publication (in parentheses), title of the work, and other necessary details. When citing multiple works by the same author, include the appropriate abbreviation (op. cit. or ibid.) along with the year of publication to distinguish between the works.
Z. Stojanović /2012/, op. cit., p. 324.
Z. Stojanović /2020/, op. cit., p. 55.

Citation of Legal Provisions and Case Law
Legal provisions: Cite according to the national citation method. Provide the full reference to the source of the regulation in the official gazette only when it is mentioned for the first time. If a shorthand reference (abbreviation) is used later in the text, indicate this abbreviation when first mentioning the provision.
(first mention) Criminal Code, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 31/2020 (hereinafter: CC).
(subsequent mentions): Article 5 of the CC.
Case law: Follow the national citation method for judgments and decisions. Provide a clear reference to the court, decision number, and date, formatted appropriately for the jurisdiction.
Decision of the Constitutional Court of Serbia, No. Už-1234/2021, 15 March 2021.


For bibliographic notes in texts from non-legal disciplines, a modified APA style can be used alternatively.
One author: von Lampe, 2019: 220
Two authors: McLaughlin, Muncie, 2013: 12
More than three authors: Piche et al., 2024: 45
Simultaneous citation of multiple authors and works: Barak, 2020: 77; Passas, 2023: 5
Multiple works by the same author published in the same year: Farrington, 2020: 525; Farrington, 2020a: 358
Reprint: Felson, [1994] 2011: 57
Work without an author: Crimen, 2024: 256