person in need of international protection, European Court of Human Rights, family unity, family reunification, European Convention on Human RightsAbstract
The situation of persons in need of international protection often leads to separation of their families for various reasons. The issue of unity of the family of persons in need of international protection was also considered by the European Court of Human Rights. This paper analyzes the inconsistency and unequal approach of the ECtHR in this matter. The paper analyzes how the most important international treaties regulate the right to family unity. Through selected cases in which the ECtHR ruled on the reunification of parents and children and their right to family unity, it will be seen how the ECtHR has inconsistently applied the principle of the best interest of the child. The analysis will point to a non-unified approach of the ECtHR to factors such as the child’s age, strength of the relationship with the country of origin and the receiving country, the strength of family ties between parents and children, when making decisions about family reunification.
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