Contemporary models of rehabilitation and domestic practice

Review of the concept of risk assessment application



imprisonment execution; rehabilitation; risk assessment; reception of global trends


The paper presents the essential characteristics and models of the contemporary concept of rehabilitation. Based on the analysis of relevant legal framework, the author points that the applied model of rehabilitation in domestic legislation in content represents acceptance of global ideas of new penology and risk management, since that the risk assessment is implemented normatively as systemic penological principle. Analysis of the judicial practice regarding the decision on conditional release based on risk assessment, shows that the concept of risk assessment is alien and unclear to national courts, and on this occasion the author raises the question of (non)critical implementation of global trends. Along with the pointing to the need for critical reception of global penological trends due to cultural and institutional incompatibility, the paper aims to raise the recognizability of contemporary characteristics and models of rehabilitation.


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How to Cite

Soković, Snežana. 2016. “Contemporary Models of Rehabilitation and Domestic Practice: Review of the Concept of Risk Assessment Application ”. Crimen 7 (3):139-51.