Trends in crime and organized crime in the Czech Republic


  • Miroslav Scheinost Institute of Criminology and Social Prevention, Prague, Czech Republic


crime rate; Czech Republic; organized crime; response to organized crime


According to the criminal statistics, the crime rate in Czech Republic increased during 1990s. This state was caused by different reasons including the transformation of economic system, low informal social control, new values in the society etc. Among some new forms of crime that emerged after or during transformation organised crime was very remarkable. Even though there were some domestic forms of organized crime, it was developed completely after the changes. Organized crime in the CR is consisted of small rather than huge and numerous organizations. The proportion of foreigners in aggregate organised crime in the CR is approximately one half. Measures against organized crime are mostly consisted of adoptions of necessary provisions in the penal and police law but also some criminological research have been conducted.


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How to Cite

Scheinost, Miroslav. 2010. “Trends in Crime and Organized Crime in the Czech Republic”. Crimen 1 (2):270-85.



Comparative View