About certain dilemmas concerning criminal protection against money laundering





money laundering; property contamination; unpunishable subsequent crime; defense attorney


Despite several works devoted in recent years to the criminal offense of money laundering, certain issues of the boundaries of its criminal zone continue to intrigue. In addition to reminding of the most important points of dispute, the author particularly considers the subjective side of this crime and especially its form that implies that money laundering can be done with the property that the perpetrator himself has acquired through previous criminal activity. Special attention is also paid to the issue of possible conflicts of interest of the defense attorney, in case there is a suspicion that the received fee comes from the criminal activity of the defendant.


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How to Cite

Vuković, Igor. 2019. “About Certain Dilemmas Concerning Criminal Protection Against Money Laundering”. Crimen 10 (2):122-43. https://doi.org/10.5937/crimen1902122V.


